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The story behing the VW’s logo

If there is one thing a company must strive to achieve, then it is a strong brand. Sadly, in a bid to generate more sales, companies tend to forget that a brand is way more than just a logo design, an advertising campaign or a tagline.

A brand is about what the company is and how it does its business.

Due to the increase in competition and copy-pasting in business these days, the brand is more critical since it makes the company stand out from the crowd. As time changes, the audience changes as well.

As a result of the inevitable changes, various brands have progressed over time. Moreover, an example of such companies is Volkswagen.

The German company that manufactures Volkswagen cars is one of the world's leading automakers. Volkswagen's optimum cost, elegant design, as well as impressive Volkswagen technical features make it one of the most popular brands in the world.

Volkswagen is one of the most distinguishable logos out there, their logo has a history dating back to 1938 : The VW symbol you see today is just initials of the company.

Volks is a German word that means people and Wagen means car.

The logo was slightly modified in 1996 and then in 2000, during the modification of the logo in 2000, colour and three-dimensional elements were added to make it unique, although the origin of the Volkswagen logo design is still a mysterious one.

Some people claim that the logo design was created by Franz Xaver Reimspeiss, who was then working with Porsche and others claim that is the works of Martin Freyer. However, with all the controversies, the logo is still recognisable and believed to be one of the most outstanding logos in the automobile industry.

The Volkswagen logo design is beautiful and simple and comprises of two letters a V placed above a W, the two letters interact seamlessly with each other. Outside the two letters is a circle that's not too bold and this is meant to keep the logo legible, clear, and compelling.

Also placed under the logo is the company slogan “Das Auto".

The logo consists of a blend of two colours, blue and white.The blue colour is a symbol of class, superiority, and trustworthiness and the white shows the car is pleasant, decent, and pure.

The company has left a mark on all its traces.

Volkswagen has come a long way. We already know that it was a victim of World War II.

Although it almost went down, it was later revived by the British army.

Its VW logo has also gone through changes since 1938 to present.

A huge change that can be seen on the Volkswagen is the colour, initially it was black and white, but the present one is blue and grey.

This has made the present logo look striking and remarkably impactful.

That is the history of the Volkswagen logo in brief.


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