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Tesla, the software company?

Updated: Nov 14, 2019

This is it! This is how the company proved it's capability in controlling the car with technology. Do you see any type of buttons in the broad, lengthy dashboard? Probably not. The best examples of Tesla's technological capability is the two cursors in the steering wheel and the 17-inch super responsive touch screen. You can literally perform all tasks that 15+ buttons do on any other car. Thanks to Tesla's tech expertise. Did you know that the amount of real life data generated by real world drivers that Tesla has is more than what google even has. Tesla has 10 billion miles of data where as Google's Waymo has a distant 15 million miles of data.

"Tesla owners are not only driving the car, they are simultaneously are training the AI which we will ensure to serve them better back in later stages of their purchase" - Elon Musk | CEO, Tesla

Yes, the competition for electric vehicles have increased considerably but there's one aspect of Tesla that keeps it way ahead in the competition. That is in it's use of data to build what might be the world's most sophisticated, cutting edge neural network. Data was "The new oil" waiting to be tapped, understood and harnessed to drive competitive advantage. Tesla did this absolutely right.

So now Tesla has this billions of miles of data. What are they doing with it that makes us think if it's really an auto manufacturer or a software company? With almost 600,000 cars on the road Tesla considers each car, each scenario, each event, each sensor, each of it's customers as data points. It is then taken by Tesla to be analysed, processed and utilized to improve it's algorithm. These new, more understanding algorithms are rolled out as software updates to it's cars just like how we receive it in our smart phones. So how does these updates help Tesla customers? Autonomous driving was always on the cards but it's not an easy task to program a vehicle for real life situations. But Tesla can with the real life data that they have access to.

Imagine having a 17-inch super responsive touch screen in your car that has Spotify, that can screen movies, enable you to play games, which it can drive itself with better efficiency and runs in sustainable energy as well. It also touches us in a way by being more human. Tesla recently pushed it's latest software update which provides more power out of it's vehicles, a new automatic navigator, scheduled charging and more.

How amazing it is to know that you can increase the efficiency of your car anytime after purchase almost in any way with just software updates? Not to forget that it comes free of cost from the manufacturer himself (at least until now). Tesla suddenly feels to create an Eco-system with their capabilities increasing then and there just like their vehicle's performance and efficiency.

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