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Renault : European Leader in Electric Cars

Updated: Nov 13, 2019

The future looks promising for Renault in the electrical sector, with a first half of growth that is still impressive, in line with market dynamics. A 42.9% increase in sales volumes over the year, with just over 30,000 vehicles sold worldwide. Today, 1 in 4 electric vehicles sold in Europe is a Renault. By offering the widest range on the market, Renault has positioned itself as the leader in the European electricity market in recent years.

Indeed, today, the group already has 5 vehicles ranging from small city cars to commercial vehicles: the Renault Fluence ZE, now stopped in Europe, the small Twizy, the Kangoo/Master ZE and especially the Renault Zoé which, assembled in Flins, is now the most sold electric car in France.

Electricity at the heart of its strategy

In October 2017, Renault announced its new Drive The Future plan. The objective? To increase to 8 electric vehicles and 12 electrified vehicles by 2022 and reach an annual turnover of 70 billion euros. Drive The Future embodies the Renault Group's vision: sustainable mobility for all, today and tomorrow.

The Renault Group's strategic plan aims at the end of the plan:

- Turnover of more than 70 billion euros

- Group operating margin of more than 7%, representing an increase of more than 50% in value terms, with a floor of 5% over the life of the plan

- Positive cash flow each year

- 4.2 billion euros of Monozukuri savings over the life of the plan

- 18 billion euros of investment in research and development

- More than 5 million vehicles sold, doubling sales outside Europe

- Leadership on the electric vehicle

- 100% of vehicles connected to key markets and 15 autonomous Renault vehicles

"In total, our range will be extended from 4 to 8 models by 2022 and we will cover all segments, from passenger cars to commercial vehicles," said Gilles Normand, Director of Renault's Electric Vehicle Division. "The objective is to remain the leader in electric vehicles in Europe and at the same time we will set foot in the largest and most promising vehicle market, China," he added.

Renault first wants to consolidate its position as leader in the existing range before extending it. A wide range of products, attractive but above all affordable. This is Renault's ambition, which aims to make the electric car an accessible product for all.

It is based on 3 major axes:

- Rely on a range of vehicles present in all segments

- Optimize costs by increasing value chain efficiency

- Attracting the best talent and expanding employee skills

The electric car is today the sustainable answer to effectively combat global warming and meet environmental challenges. These cars do not emit CO2 when driving, and offer a quiet and dynamic experience.

"Electric vehicles are the only existing, practical and affordable transport solution to meet the environmental challenges facing the world, especially since they are available now. »

To meet its customers' expectations even better, the Renault Group is increasing the range of its best-selling models, including ZOE and Kangoo Z.E., and offering ever more dynamic 100% electric engines. It launches new connected services to facilitate vehicle charging. An example? "Renault Z.E. Pass" lists more than 20,000 public access terminals in Europe. Not to mention that it is possible to obtain real-time information on the charge level and to control the recharging remotely from your smartphone.

Renault began its electrification strategy 10 years ago. Initially called Drive the Change, Renault's strategic plan, Drive The Future, is part of its commitment to building the mobility of the future. "We have led the change, we are building the future."

About Renault: As an automotive manufacturer since 1898, the Renault Group is an international group present in 127 countries that sold nearly 3.5 million vehicles in 2016. Today, it employs more than 120,000 people, has 36 manufacturing sites and 12,700 sales outlets worldwide. To meet the major technological challenges of the future and pursue its strategy of profitable growth, the group is relying on its international expansion. It relies on the complementarity of its five brands (Renault, Dacia, Renault Samsung Motors, Alpine and LADA), the electric vehicle and its unique alliance with Nissan and Mitsubishi.


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