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MOIA: the "magic bus" launched by VW

The new Volkswagen group company unveils its first project: an electric minivan (with a range of 300km, and rechargeable in thirty minutes), called MOIA, designed exclusively for car-sharing. The vehicle uses the codes of the London taxi (with a free space for luggage to the right of the driver) and the bus (individual seats with reading lights, USB ports at each seat, Wi-Fi connection). It was designed in ten months by teams from MOIA, Volkswagen's Utility Division and the Osnabruck plant. The aim of the new company is to develop and offer an extensive portfolio of on-demand mobility services that make the lives of people living in urban areas better, cleaner and safer.

MOIA was set up for the purpose of redefining mobility for people living in urban areas. This independent company based in Berlin and Hamburg does not see itself as an automaker or a pure-play car-sharing provider, but rather aims to become one of the world’s leading mobility service providers by 2025. Its focus is on the in-house development of IT-based on-demand offerings such as ridesharing and ridepooling services.

How does it work?

MOIA is the ride-sharing service in Hamburg and Hannover. Download the app, book a journey, and travel together. It’s as simple as that!

The fact that MOIA allows you and up to five more people to reach their destination, will help to have less traffic in a city. Moreover, it reduces the stress of searching for a parking space, being annoyed by engine noises and it’s funnier that taking an Uber because you can share your travel. You also have access to private seats, WI-FI, USB ports…everything to make you comfortable during your journey.

The plus of this new concept is that it is possible to privatize this car for businesses. Thus, the car manufacturer is trying to seduce a new segment by offering them a quality service with always in mind the desire to promote electricity and sustainability for professional purposes. With MOIA as your mobility partner, you can increase the attractiveness of your company for employees and applicants. You also make a positive contribution towards sustainability.

A very important point that MOIA wants to promote is the environment. Thanks to this new way of travelling, gas emissions are greatly reduced because the MOIA is completely electric. This is a very important issue for the Volkswagen group, in fact after having put several electric models on sale to satisfy the greatest number of consumers, now it is also interested in the notion of sharing.

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